1. Kota Tua "Old Town" of Semarang City Landmark.
Semarang Old Town presents a visual image of the splendor European architecture in the past. Many ancient buildings and magnificent exotic Dutch colonial heritage, storing a lot of stories that will never run out to be told. Around the Old Town was built by Dutch Colonial a water canals that still exist and can be seen today, although not well maintained. That is why the Old City of Semarang is dubbed as Little Netherland in Indonesia. A separate location with similar landscape in European cities and canals surrounded has made the Old City like a miniature Dutch in Semarang.
The one of the most popular and must-see building when visiting Old Town of Semarang is Blenduk Church. This ancient churchthat has been built two and a half centuries ago. The real name of this Church is Nederlandsch Indische Kerk is still used as a place of worship until now. The Blenduk Church has assigned to be the landmarks of Semarang.
Because of the indigenous people is facing difficulty in saying the Dutch name of this church, in order to make it easy say to was finally called Blenduk because it has a dome-shaped roof red brick made of bronze and two twin towers in front of him. The name change also occurs in Berok bridge that used to be the gateway to the Old Town. Burg word meaning bridge into skirt and pronounced that name continues to be used today.